How to walk gracefully in high heels: 7 effective tips

When Marilyn Monroe said, “Give a girl the right pair of shoes, and she can conquer the world,” we’re pretty sure she was talking about high heels. But what if you can’t walk in high heels? That negates any potential conquest, whether in a boardroom or bar. Fortunately, we’ve gathered some hand tips to help you walk in heels quickly and gracefully. We recommend taking these tips to heart and giving them a try. What do you have to lose?

So, we’ve rounded up seven tips for walking in heels the right way, in addition to a selection of our favorite heel styles that we love. From affordable basics to fashion girl favorites, there’s not a style you won’t see here. Scroll down for life-changing tips, and while you’re at it, why not stop by and buy yourself a new pair of killer heels? After all, you’ll need something to test your new skills on.

Tip 1: Walk from heel to toe – not toe to heel
The easiest way to look like an amateur in heels is to immediately put your entire foot down, just like you would in flats. When wearing high heels, put down your heel first, then your toes. This will make your walk look more natural.
Tip 2: Take baby steps
Trying to walk fast in high heels often results in looking awkward. Between smaller steps and compromising the balance, it’s best to take your time in heels. And strolling gives a sense of confidence.
Tip 3: Don’t rush
Wearing high heels will shorten your stride, so you must increase the number of small steps to cover the same distance. We don’t recommend taking small steps but don’t try to take your usual significant steps either.

Tip 4: Lean back slightly
You may want to walk faster than your heels allow and stretch your neck forward to compensate. This looks odd, so allow yourself to lean back slightly when walking in heels, as this will counteract your tendency to lean on.
Tip #5: Imagine yourself walking in a straight line
When you’re trying to draw a straight line, you’ll get better results if you look at your end point as you draw rather than watching your pencil move. Likewise, when walking in heels, you will walk more gracefully when you walk if you look at the target point (perhaps the podium at the end of the stage) and imagine a straight line toward your future rather than looking down at your heels.
Tip 6: Arch your feet slightly
As you take each step, or if you feel yourself slipping, arch your foot slightly to put pressure on the inside of your shoe. This will make your shoe fit your foot better and make it easier to maneuver.
Tip 7: Make sure the shoe fits
Walking naturally in high heels is nearly impossible if your shoes don’t fit properly. If your heels are too big, use insoles for a better fit. If they’re too small, consider having a local cobbler stretch them.

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